The unique and also unique vocal stylings of everyone’s favorite patio barfly, as captured by an unnamed barista. He’s outsider everything, but particularly outsider music. As the place finally slides beneath the waves, let’s all celebrate what made it so great: completely batshit insane people!

Note: if video says it’s “no longer available” this is a lie; they’re just still processing it.

Those who can’t see youtube may wish to download the .avi from my website. Please use right-click and save, since streaming ain’t gonna be cool here. The video is 16M, squished down from the original 24M.

4 thoughts on “DZ SINGS!

  1. Math is hard
    I appreciate that you think I can akshully grasp this stuff from the Poly book you recommended (a math guy named Poly–that’s like my masseuer the other day, a Russian named Derma. I kept wondering if his buddies called him Flaco)
    Key prases from How to Solve It:
    heuristic syllogism, accessible related problem, proposed problem try, simpler analogous problem, drop the other part, account all essential notions, introduce suitable notation, auxiliary problem, similar unknown, ambitious problem, auxiliary elements, incomplete proofs, familiar theorem, proposed theorem, heuristic reasoning, derive something, same unknown, whole hypothesis, rectangular parallelepiped


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