So there’s this horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible band that plays D’s. They’re called the “Over-Reactors” and it’s a duo. They manage to hit the wrong notes and emphasis in each song, almost all of which are covers except an original they always do which is titled “One Sick Pony”.

They do things like cover the Cowboy Junkies’ cover of “Sweet Jane” and then somehow fuck up. Ooh boy, he’s fucking up the Foo Fighters now. Anyway, he’s here tonight solo.

The weird part is their band website reveals that he’s now in Dokken. What? Dokken exists? They played Guitar Center? Acoustic? WITH THIS GUY IN THE BAND? It must have been something straight out of This Is Spinal Tap.


  1. dokken is big in japan, mostly thanks to an album they put out a few years ago that featured reb beach, guitarist from winger. reb, and winger, are of course huge in japan.
    mebbe the overreators dude won some radio contest.


  2. holy wtf
    Nelson? NELSON? Even with all the hair-metal discussion that comes up that’s the first really bad hair-metal flashback I’ve had in a while. So wrong.
    The best part: Rick Nelson’s sons. Ozzie and Harriet Nelson’s grandsons.


  3. Worst Diedrichs Band Evar. If there were a god, they would have been stepped on years ago by a gigantic spiky foot.
    The thought of their pony song results in the sensation that somebody is dragging a fork along my spinal cord. Murder is the only logical solution.


  4. They got nuthin on Spinal Tap….
    Cause we can turn our volume up to 11. They get to 10 and they got no more…but we got 11- you know for that extra little bit…
    (sorry about the re-post)


  5. The Over-Reactors are still around? They used to play crap at Triangle Square, back when Virtual World was still there and back when they would have weekly summer concerts in that open area in the top. Sometimes you would get the Foo Fighters playing a free show (thanks to the Virgin Megastore and KROQ) and sometimes you would get The Over-Reactors pushing forth some mediocre covers as people walked past, trying not to listen, on their way between Virgin and Barnes & Noble.


  6. NOOOO… The Over-reacters are Dead!!!! They cannot be back playing the coffee curcuit again… I ran into them 4 times in 4 days 5 years ago….. I conteplated suicide for 6 months after that. I have not seen them in 4 years… The even made OC Weekly’s scarriest people list a few years back.


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