20 thoughts on “Picture of the Day: Chilean Army Ice Cream

    1. Maybe it’s a polished oak ice cream mortar. What you do is you eat half of your ice cream, drop it into the barrel, and it fires it at long distances, giving your enemies terrible headaches.


    2. Minor Techno Nit
      That is the 1918 style German Steel Helmet, cf Stahlhelm, and as such would be consistent with the General Policy of Supporting The Restoration of The Kaiser, vice the Kapitulation to the Leftist Liberal OestRiechists!!!!
      not to get too whiney about these things..


  1. Those wacky military-band bassoonists. The brass player behind her is having a lovely iced dessert too. Maybe it’s to keep their embrasures moist. Maybe the band leader just yelled “Suck ’em if ya got ’em!”
    Thought balloon coming out of her head, as she listens to the El Presidente while waiting to play his fanfare

    Christ, what an asshole!



    1. i believe this is the correct response. my father is chilean, and he says that all the time.
      also, the president of chile is a woman. i wonder if they change the “el” to “la”? maybe they call her la presidenta, or maybe just “rulacho.”


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