Here’s a toast to the jolly hangman

  1. The Marines are attempting to resuscitate helicopters that have been out of service for a decade. maineiac_eric, tell us: is this a GOOD idea?
  2. UbiquityWatch: The next ads to annoy you will arrive on your phone from a billboard.
  3. If you leave your laptop Bluetooth on, you may be announcing its availability to thieves. (via Schneier’s blog)
  4. Welcome back to the hot new gadgets of 1985. My boss in 1986 had one of those ridiculous luggable phones.

3 thoughts on “Here’s a toast to the jolly hangman

  1. You know why they’re in such shit with helicopters? Because of the fucking Osprey. The procurement coneheads won’t let it go, even though it’s still too unsafe to bother producing it in quantity.


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