Son of Googlewhack: Twain Weck Edition

I was blathering about ADD tonight, and about a generic problem with health and particularly psychological issues. When you go to find out about the problem and learn things, the books are either very technical $75 manuals for clinical practitioners and researchers, or large-type Little Golden Books for morons with lots of comforting case histories and “resources” and not much science.

And there’s one for each subculture. After genericus wondered if religious groups had their own approach, I found in about 30 seconds. No doubt there’s Goth A.D.D., 12-Step Atheist Approaches to A.D.D., and Otherkin A.D.D. to be found.

So here’s your challenge. Find two subcultures that never, ever meet on the web. There’s fundamentalist furries out there, objectivist punk rockers, Mormon D&Ders. It’s impossible to prove the negative, but what two subcultures never, ever, ever meet? That’s a goal. The second goal is a googlewhack: two subcultures meet exactly once on the internet.

Go to it. Fly, fly, my monkeys.

East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet
Because if they did there’d be a huge fucking twain weck

5 thoughts on “Son of Googlewhack: Twain Weck Edition

      1. It’s a small small internet. I just did a Google search for “alien abduction frottage” and there are 72 matches. The fourth one happens to be a blog, and the quoted text is from an entry complaining about how shitty it was that those parents are making their kid walk to school with a thought-screen hat.
        It’s miraculous.


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