Collect all 14 Stations of the Cross and win redemptive suffering

He was betrayed, tortured, humiliated, and killed and rose from the grave to save us. He gave us Communion and said: do this in remembrance of me.

Let’s buy movie tie-ins instead! (Reuters story here)

If I could sum up the American religion in one phrase it would be this:

Products are prayer.

7 thoughts on “Collect all 14 Stations of the Cross and win redemptive suffering

  1. “He was bruised for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.”
    Now you can buy the home game!


  2. I suppose it was inevitable
    we’ve spent thousands of years trying desperately to avoid having to have direct contact with God – use a prophet, a priest, a king, a pope, a movie, a book, a study group leader, a pastor, a group of educated leaders … ANYTHING to offer a layer of abstraction to protect us from the awful, crushing nakedness that a direct relationship with Him brings.
    “God is in heaven, and you are on earth, so let your words be few.” Guilty as charged.


  3. The American Religion
    If I could sum up the American religion in one phrase it would be this:
    Products are prayer.

    A corrolary: lawsuits are curses. That’s from the angry voodoo end of the American religion.
    (BTW, there are some linguistic problems with the movie; and I for one am pretty sure there was never a scene in the bible where an explosion chases Jesus down a hallway.)


    1. Re: The American Religion
      I for one am pretty sure there was never a scene in the bible where an explosion chases Jesus down a hallway
      Jesus, you blew up a whole city block! The Chief is gonna have your badge!!


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