DADS ‘N’ GRADS!!!!!!

Dear the Greeting Card-Industrial Complex:

1. My father died suddenly in 1993 and I’m still not feeling so great about that.

2. I never graduated from college and I’m still not feeling so great about that.

In sum: FUCK YOU.

Respectfully yours,


P.S. No, not respectfully yours. Just fuck you.

6 thoughts on “DADS ‘N’ GRADS!!!!!!

  1. If it makes you feel any better (though I don’t see why it should), your wrath on this particular topic and indeed on most topics that make you wrathful is always refreshing to me.


  2. Yeah. You know it’s not the existence of Father’s day that bothers me, it’s the shallow nature of everything associated with it. I wish my dad were still alive so I could tell him the thousand ways that I miss him. Instead of buying him a card going “har! har! dad you’re a bumbling fool but gee i sure do love ya!”


  3. You are so smart! The college thing is just a formality. You’re smarter than lots of grads I know. Lots!
    Ouch that hurts about your dad. My dad blows giant jerk chunks and father’s day sucks every year; so I hear ya.


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