what the

This editorial writer wants us to believe that the increase in obesity in the U.S. is due to illegal immigration.

His idea is 581% insane: The “obesity epidemic” is a result of illegal immigrants doing housework, causing householders to become fat. After you’ve finished chewing through your biteblock considering that thought, I’d like to point out two pretty awesome things from that article:

  1. He uses the phrase “modest proposal” without bothering to recall what it means or looking it up, thus causing unintentional satire and laff riots among people who have read a book. If anyone there cared, I’d write a letter to the editor suggesting that the illegals be fed their employers.
  2. His qualification for the article is that he is a former professor at Georgetown. I translate this, as I said to the Aardvark, as: “Alfred Tella is blogging furiously among empty pizza boxes in Falls Church, VA”.
  3. It shows that the right wing as represented by this paper has long since crossed over into a perfect ideological crazytown in which the only thing that matters is political correctness. Illegals? bad. Obesity? bad. Therefore they’re both part of the SAME bad! Comrade, the lack of flair on your uniform indicates counterrevolutionary kulak landlordism. If you cannot see the connection it will be necessary to reeducate you.

10 thoughts on “what the

  1. I read an article wherein somebody made the case that the obesity “epidemic” is rooted in people being too poor to buy quality food, and thus taking their kids to Jack In The Box on a nightly basis and giving everyone teh diabetes. I think that theory is about .3 inches closer to plausibility.


      1. Well, (poorly reflected in my retelling) I believe the author’s point was that illegal immigrants eating cheap crappy food –> obesity epidemic.
        Concerning cheap crappy food’s overall culpability, duh.


    1. You try taking your kid on a bus, transferring to another bus, shopping for groceries at the nearest supermarket to your home, schlepping the groceries back to the bus stop and on two different buses and back home. Also, your kid has fallen asleep by now, so you get to carry her as well. Plus it’s winter.
      Just making a teensy little point.


      1. Re: winter
        i think that even if poor people could afford better food once in while, there’s no motivation to buy good things. it’s partly due to lack of education concerning good food, limited food supply, and lack of brainspace because they’re carting their meager purchases on their backs or the bus with kids in tow and have many other things to worry about: shelter, babysitters, reliable job, etc.
        i used to exist on food bank boxes, which were basically starter kits for malnourishment.
        i’m sure everyone knows this already. but here’s to discussion!


  2. He uses the phrase “modest proposal” without bothering to recall what it means or looking it up, thus causing unintentional satire and laff riots among people who have read a book.
    You are again my hero. Can I put that in my sigfile? 🙂


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