My Orwellian Day

Nick and I talked for about an hour about Orwell and specifically 1984. People use the word “Orwellian” a lot or say “That’s so 1984“, but it’s a lot more than just totalitarianism and the abuse of language. 1984 is rich in detail and just about every single little detail is accurate almost to the degree of prophecy. If you haven’t read it, or haven’t read it in the last decade, go read.

Later I saw a regular whose name I didn’t know reading Orwell from a magazine reprint. I buttonholed him and said “Orwell! Good stuff!” and we had a big talk. He’s a high school teacher and was preparing lessons. I told him about the big fat cheap Orwell essays book. He said “Animal Farm is the book I recommend for my friends who don’t read, because it’s so easy and short and so full of huge ideas.” I really liked him. I also pointed him towards Politics and the English Language, about which he had forgotten.

Then I went to Mother’s and bought groceries and the cost was $19.84. At one point I was on a screen at the checkout that said “19.84: YES OR NO?” and to get my food I had to click YES. I clicked it. They fed me. I loved Big Mother.

In unrelated news I found out that the-silent-one has a GUN hanging in her DOGHOUSE. You’ve been warned.

9 thoughts on “My Orwellian Day

  1. First, I have to say mad props on this. I love a good post.
    The big important idea in “Animal Farm” that I think about on a frequent basis is “some are more equal than others.” I also in in the habit of saying “two legs bad, four legs good.” Just for kicks.
    I was born in 1984. Yeesh.


  2. George Bush quote from appearance March 21, 2006…
    “[In Iraq] we are making progress because we have a strategy for victory…”
    Welcome to Oceania; remember, East Asia is your ally, Eurasia is your enemy…
    mojo sends


  3. Then I went to Mother’s and bought groceries and the cost was $19.84. At one point I was on a screen at the checkout that said “19.84: YES OR NO?” and to get my food I had to click YES. I clicked it. They fed me. I loved Big Mother.


  4. Synchronicity: Politics and the English Language came up as a lunch time topic just yesterday.
    Also: I reported your comment about Graham Greene as ‘Everyone should read (more) Graham Greene before they die’. My friend was amused at the phrasing, given Greene’s propensity for gloom, and wondered if it was a sort of cause & effect thing.
    I’ve checked the wording and now realise that it was worse than that. 8^)


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