There’s a peccary jammed in the rotonator

This afternoon when I left for my appointment there was a damp patch outside my bathroom on the carpet. I thought it was related to the handyman visit earlier and paid no attention.

By this evening, there was a small pool there, and soaked carpet extending through three rooms of the house. The plumber was summoned.

Apparently the hot water line that goes from the water heater out has come apart somewhere inside the concrete slab it penetrates on its way out. This has required turning off the hot water until tomorrow, when a couple of guys will show up and run new pipe around said slab to replace it. One could jackhammer the concrete away and fix just the bit of pipe that failed, but this is apparently a stupid thing to do because then the rest of the pipe will die bit by bit anyway. Go go gadget homeowners insurance!

In related but different news, Livejournal is sending me some, but not all of my comments in email. So if I don’t respond to you I am more likely to be ignorant of your response than ignoring you.

6 thoughts on “There’s a peccary jammed in the rotonator

  1. re
    Be careful claiming water damage.
    I have a friend who went through a nightmare.
    His pipes leaked in his wall.
    He made a claim.
    The insurance company dropped him due to mold concerns.
    He now pays 3x the amount of his old insurance policy. He could also have paid some exhorbitant fee to have a company come out to remove & certify no mold exists.


    1. Re: re
      Wow, that’s awesome. Thanks. A bit too late, but at least I’m forewarned.
      We just increased the deductible from $250 to $1000 right before this, which is also awesome!


    2. Re: re
      Wow, that’s awesome. Thanks. A bit too late, but at least I’m forewarned.
      We just increased the deductible from $250 to $1000 right before this, which is also awesome!


  2. re
    Be careful claiming water damage.
    I have a friend who went through a nightmare.
    His pipes leaked in his wall.
    He made a claim.
    The insurance company dropped him due to mold concerns.
    He now pays 3x the amount of his old insurance policy. He could also have paid some exhorbitant fee to have a company come out to remove & certify no mold exists.


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