7 thoughts on “Attention Orange County Hipster Hunters

  1. Wow.
    I read the previous post where she commands her crew to make some hapless stranger’s life hell for no reason than objecting to her asshat behavior, like she’s a Heather with a cell phone.
    Damn, I guess that whole “you need to take a step BACK and figure out why gloating about someone else’s misery (regardless of whether you liked or disliked them) makes you feel better about yourself…Mercy, pity, kindness, and forgiveness are never wrong-timed.” shit only applies to herself.


    1. Re: Wow.
      I can’t even play hipster bingo myself because it’s too confrontational. I’m all about talking about people behind their backs.
      You are in a twisty maze of hatreds, all alike.


  2. A proposal
    Can we leave off Chuck Taylors from all lists of supposedly trendy/hip fashion from this moment forward?
    They have been worn in large numbers by all kinds of kids since the First freakin’ World War.
    It’s as ridiculous as labelling Levi’s “hipster” wear.


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