unsentimental hygiene

  1. I was already a member of this religion, and I just didn’t know it. I am quite serious, actually. I don’t feel that gathering in groups and acting like a religion makes too much sense, but all along the one thing I’ve known is that I don’t know anything.
  2. TABLETOP VIBRATOR FOR OFFICE USE. Actually if this thing worked better than most conference phones it’d be sorta cool.
  3. Meet John Rendon, the secret master of spin.

A strong America needs dirigibles!

As much as I loathe the military-industrial establishment…

…I inherited from my father a great love of airships.

walrus walrus walrus

Defense Tech reports the latest developments in the Walrus project to build a bigass blimp that will carry troops, spy on us from above, and host elegant piano bar soirées other military crap.

I’m holding out for a real dirigible though, and not just a big blimp. If I ever become as rich as a supervillain my preferred transport will be my private airship. Quiet, luxurious cruising, 500 feet in the air, looking down at the little people from my flying hotel and sipping champagne.