Important Bulleted Update

Once again it’s time to review our talking points, goals, warnings, key initiatives, and do-its. It’s more important than ever to keep a laser-like focus on our bullet points and remain at a nose-to-grindstone status. Below are some non-negotiable items from the 100,000 foot level:

  • Steroid and doping scandals in scrapbooking: zero tolerance.
  • Compulsory mark-to-market pricing of school lunches.
  • Can “green jobs” truly be color-blind?
  • The war on Secretaries’ Day
  • Our national parks: boondoggle, or force majeure?
  • Punitive tariffs on boy bands
  • Flossing: another liberal lie?

If you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. My door is always open.

14 thoughts on “Important Bulleted Update

  1. senator! senator!
    Gerald Marion, Herald-Clarion. Senator: it’s come to my paper’s attention that several players at the so-called NFL “combine” have no experience whatsoever at harvesting, threshing or cleaning grain crops. Your proposed actions?


    1. Re: senator! senator!
      As a sports fan and a lifelong supporter of America’s family farms, I agree. It’s time a commission was chartered to build bridges between the gridiron and the granary.


      1. Re: but what about…
        Oh sure!!!
        But have you noticed the number of people whom the liberal media are reporting either tried to commit suicide with their shoe laces, OR, were actually found murdered having been shot by the so called ROPE that they were suppose to have committed suicide with!!!
        I say it is time to tell those Aglet-Americans that This IS American America, and we are not going to stand for their open support for the Communist Nationalists RedBluePinkBlack types who are Destroying our Loafer Ways with their evil GODLESS shoe laces…


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