Delicious LiveJournal Links for 4-2-2009

One thought on “Delicious LiveJournal Links for 4-2-2009

  1. Why Not Have A Kid
    “Why Not Have A Kid”!! The, uh, people on display at that site,
    are on a line of thinking that I’ve been mulling over lately.
    (If you can mull a line.)
    My observation from living around Ketchikan, a town that
    should just rename itself to Fucked-Up:
    having a kid at 19, or whatever, doesn’t fuck up
    your life per se.
    HOWEVER. Being a parent immensely
    amplifies the fuction of any otherwise minor
    fucked-up situation.
    In fact, having a kid at 19 can mess up your even just trying
    to manage your young adulthood enough that you will have a
    sensible all-the-rest-of-adulthood.  “Well, I was going to go to grad
    And iff’n there’s a divorce, what if somebody wants to move, how does
    that work with custody and visitation and oboy
    * * *
    for all I know,
    maybe having a kid is just what makes people’s lives snap together
    sensibly.  “Wait, what the fuck– was I actually seriously
    thinking for a second there about moving to Ithaca to get a Romance
    Linguistics degree at Cornell?!?! Thank god Bruno walking into
    the room made my brain reboot. Gawd! Oh, Bruno, yeah,
    let’s work on your spelling homework.”
    It’s my blunt and blunted impression that if you’re in America
    and you’re having a kid when you’re
    young and not-upper-class, it’s
    a serious wager that
    things are actually going to be just fine. 
    And there’s the odds, and there’s the outcomes, and zow.
    A lot of this must have been easier
    Way Back When, before everything…
    went nuclear.
    * * *
    I conject: nobody needs to say “I like kids ergo
    let’s get pregnant!”. 
    There’s a surplus of kids, and there’s places where
    you can go get one, one that might not otherwise end up having
    parents at all unless you come on by.
    * * *
    “When we got married, we had an agreement: we
    were going to have an invisible baby,
    and name it Ten Hours Sleep A Night.” —Patton Oswalt
    from the album
    <a href=
    >Warewolves and Lollipops.

    Hey, here’s
    <a href=
    >the track at low-fi. 
    Everyone go buy the album.  Nice DVD comes with it.


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