Sir, this is naught but rank linksmanship.

The delicious crossposter broke for me today so here’s the best of today’s, some of which I thought were worth manually putting in here:

6 thoughts on “Sir, this is naught but rank linksmanship.

  1. The Trashout Squad is just the kind of thing we needed when we moved my sister-in-law. Instead, an unsuspecting maid did the job for us. Needless to say, we tipped her well.


  2. Re: branding. I remember the 1997 or 1998 “Brand You” Fast Company cover, and in those days all the execs at my workplace kept telling me how great FC was and how I had to read it. Even though I drank the dotcom Kool Aid, I could never figure out what was so great about FC. I read Forbes, which never helped me with anything but was at least nutritious.


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