Dear Lazyweb: Mac Terminal Question

I like to use the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono font at 14 points in my Terminal. It’s the right size and is easy on my eyes. (Rhyme.)

I also like an 80 x 24 terminal. Many programs I use agree.

When I maximize the terminal with the little green button, and then minimize it again, it goes to 79 x 24 instead. This sets off my compulsive brain and I need to manually resize it. Plus, some software will bitch and say “need 80 columns at least!” or just look crummy.

I can change fonts or resize and the problem goes away. But I don’t WANT to change fonts or resize.

Do any Mac wizards out there have a solution?

I remain always your faithful servant &c. &c.

5 thoughts on “Dear Lazyweb: Mac Terminal Question

  1. save a window group
    I am similarly OCD about my terms. I have 9 desktops set in spaces, and desktops 4 and 5 are for terms. desktop 4 has 4 100×24 terms, and desktop 5 has 2 100×48 terms with 4 tabs a piece (lots of use of screen as well, etc.)
    Once I got my font, transparency, colors, etc. all set the way I wanted, I saved those settings as a default (Terminal -> preferences). Then I opened up all the terms I typically use, in their proper sizes and locations, and when everything was set, did “terminal -> window -> save windows as group …” and checked “use window group when terminal starts”.
    this doesn’t exactly solve your resize-to-the-wrong-size issue, but I had the same problem myself initially, and solved it by simply having two sets of terms – an 80×25-ish set that stays that size, and a larger set that’s suitable for writing code or scrolling logs, etc. I end up doing more of my work in the larger 100×48 set, now that I’ve discovered tabbed terminals.
    you probably knew most of this already, but maybe the thought process will be helpful.


  2. Hmm, works fine for me here if I resize a window to 80×24, hit the green button twice, then I get 80×24 again.
    Could it be the font? Try Menlo Regular, which is the Apple-tweaked version of Vera Sans Mono in Snow Leopard. I also like to tighten up the spacing a little: Character Spacing at 0.88, and Line Spacing at 0.96.


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