Someone check on the busboys at Jerry’s Deli

Long-time readers may remember my theory that the world is overrun with clones of the long-dead Andy Kaufman. Every day there is more evidence of this.

You’ll note on that post a link from a commenter to Andy Kaufman Lives and/or “If I Faked It.”

It’s done in classic psychoceramic style, and it’s about an even split in my mind whether it’s genuine crackpot material or “a viral.” Or Andy, who would have mixed the two anyway.

The O.C. Weekly mentions this site in one of its articles about our local barking mad school board member Mr. Steve Rocco, who was accused more than once of being Andy.

Apparently torgo_x‘s latest link to my post has awakened the beast again.

Drums in the deep

Kelly Ramsey passed on this gem from Warren Ellis’ “Bad Signal” mailing list, causing me to resubscribe to the list. Here it is:

bad signal

It  occurred to me today that Mormon politician Mitt Romney’s
candidacy is, in  part, an experiment to see if America can
handle the idea of a figure of  authority who also believes himself
to be wearing magic underpants.

If that's so, then I think you guys are twelve years away from  a
Scientologist running for President.

And I think you know which  Scientologist I mean.

You're welcome.

-- W